Consultant Zone

Working From Home – the need for enhanced compliance

In the current climate, it is not surprising that contact centre staff are being sent home. Traditionally working in close proximity to each other to generate positive sales or service environments, companies have had to adapt to the changes in working patterns enforced on them by COVID 19, by shutting contact centres down for now.

Recent industry commentary from New Street Group, stated that…

“Highly regulated businesses, including financial services and utilities companies, are urgently trying to fix the problem in a bid to avoid hefty fines from potential customer service failings”.

This situation is likely to rapidly get worse with the lock-down in India creating a huge gap in the supply chain for contact centre workers and the likelihood of mass lock-downs in other jurisdictions.

What is clear is that the initial temptation to close down compliance departments, suggested by some commentators, would be not only shortsighted, but extremely risky…

“Companies will be reviewing systems and processes to enable quicker responses to remote working scenarios and will also need to automate more of their critical functions”

…according to HFS Research when also reviewing the crisis.

Even during these desperate times, compliance activity needs not just maintenance but scaling up to protect businesses from future customer or regulator driven criticism and subsequent fines.

For contact centres, Yabber has the solution; 100% of customer calls are transcribed and analysed to identify compliance risks, help identify vulnerable customers, measure complaints and provide meaningful insights into customer engagement.

Never has the adage…

“If you can’t prove that you said what you say you said, you didn’t say it”

…been more appropriate and of course that is not limited to verbal communication.

Start controlling your calls today here

The Yabber and Rockstead teams are also working from home, are connected to each other, can access our systems via VPN and are ready and able to implement solutions quickly.

Please do give us a call or email for more information.

email us at
or call 01494 429 333
